Which means Happy New Year in Hawaiian!
And I would be happy.
If I was there.
But I'm not.
It was with the heaviest of hearts I made the decision that the time was now.
To load up the little red bambino and move across that God forsaken bridge.
I'm not saying the bridge defeated me.
I'd say it more called to me.
However I will go on record this very minute by saying that I will never be blonde, I will never drive a black BMW 4x4, and I will never be seen in either Bay or Church Street sporting either Lorna Jane or Lulu Lemon 'activewear'.
Bling is not.
Don't you love how much fun you can have just messing around with Photography Apps!
Isn't the pink hair super duper!
Not sure that my new boss might think so ..
However having said that, we are bonding over vanity and quite rapidly I do say!
Don't you love how much fun you can have just messing around with Photography Apps!
Isn't the pink hair super duper!
Not sure that my new boss might think so ..
However having said that, we are bonding over vanity and quite rapidly I do say!
1st February!
It is my humble opinion that the New Year for some, officially commences on 1st February. The crescendo of December and January has peaked and plummeted. The emotions and expectations, the highs and the lows of Christmas and the New Year have passed.
Another birthday another chapter.
1st February - and the rest is yet to be history.
I have become an interior decorator!
And I have to say it has been keeping me entertained.
It's been a long time since I have had carte blanche in the decorating stakes.
But I have moved to the most fahabulous shack in Blington.
Brand new! (no prior DNA thank God)
White walls everywhere!
Only one bedroom but a massive living area, a quite impressive fully covered balcony, a wonderful view of the city, security, ducted heating and cooling, and wait for it - the most exciting thing .. a garbage shute!!
Every time I chuck that bag of fermented pineapple peel down that shute I think that to die destitute will all be worth it.

And guess what - I even have my own runway! It looks very pretty at night. It's a very short runway but it's alot of fun to fly in fly out!
But actually that isn't the most exciting thing. The most exciting thing is that it is literally 3 minutes drive away from school. At this point you may ask why am I driving? Well so I can fly in fly out of course! No really. I will tell you why. Because if I don't - some bastard will nick my most coveted car park never to have it returned. That's why!
On the balcony there is a tap. The agent showing me the property was very excited that there was a tap on the balcony. I said yes, that will be really great for when I want to stand out here on a hot night and hose myself.
Cheeky young thing suggested that might not be such a great idea. He'll learn.
I'm thinking of buying a wheelbarrow.
When I was growing up in Brissy our family did not have a swimming pool.
One - because we would not have been able to afford one and two - because we spent every weekend at the beach anyway.
So on those hot steamy afternoons I would tell my Mum I was going to 'have a wheelbarrow'. Nothing surprised her.
A wheelbarrow when used incorrectly is a source of endless pleasure!
The bigger and cleaner the wheelbarrow - all the better!
Just fill it up with water and lie on back.
The front is a perfect support for your back - the sides support your arms so you can hold up your book and the handles are the perfect leg rests!
The only hitch is that you can only go sunny side up - so to speak.
I'm not sure how the fine upstanding residents of The Warleigh would feel about the Principal's Assistant at Firbank lying half naked on the balcony in a wheelbarrow.
But gee it's so deliciously tempting.
But actually that really isn't the most exciting thing. The most exciting thing is that I now have a little writer's corner and this is the spot where I will be creating 'art', uploading my statistically emotional tips to my App, and writing my book.
All I need now is a chair! And an App.
As far as my book goes - so far I have decided upon the name and I have written the dedication.
I thought about calling my book 'Fifty-two Shades of Pink' by
S L James.
S L James.
One year for every year of my life. But I can't remember every year. And they haven't been all that saucy. And some of the ones I remember with great clarity - I would sooner forget.
So it's back to my original title.
It is so utterly brilliant that I think I need to register it before I tell you!
So it's back to my original title.
It is so utterly brilliant that I think I need to register it before I tell you!
But I think that might cost money?
And I am a little skint at the the moment.
Though I put a few bucks on 'Roger That' last week and it came good for me.
And then again last week I had another significant little windfall!
There was no sign.
And then again last week I had another significant little windfall!
There was no sign.
But I knew with absolute unwavering conviction that it was a winner.
I don't have broadband or cable tv at the new shack yet. I am being very cautious.
Gee it's hard to amuse yourself at times.
But oh God the cricket is sooooooo boring!
And I am starting to look like the star employee with the hours I am spending in my office!
Internet, air con and a pool.
(3 minutes from the shack did I mention!)
But even the star employee must find their way home.
And I am starting to look like the star employee with the hours I am spending in my office!
Internet, air con and a pool.
(3 minutes from the shack did I mention!)
But even the star employee must find their way home.
Hence the hours spent interior decorating.
There are pineapples and mermaids and shells and tropical sort of stuff - kind of everywhere.
Well here and there.
My Mum even bought me a pair of Pineapple thongs!
For my feet .. excuse me.

And I received some very impressive pineapple book ends for my birthday. Pineapples are springing up in Brighton let me tell you!
I said to my friend, "if this was forever I would do things a lot differently."
My Mum even bought me a pair of Pineapple thongs!
For my feet .. excuse me.

And I received some very impressive pineapple book ends for my birthday. Pineapples are springing up in Brighton let me tell you!
I said to my friend, "if this was forever I would do things a lot differently."
And she looked at me rather oddly and said "would you?"
And we both burst out laughing and I said "hmmm probably not!"
I miss Yarraville dearly.
I miss the Bohemian lifestyle of the village.
I miss hearing and seeing the aircraft overhead and I miss seeing and hearing the container ships ghosting up the river.
I miss my favourite cafe's.
And I actually miss driving - but only just a little.
Some time back someone asked me how I gathered my thoughts to write my Blog.
And I had to say that most of them came to me while staving off the sheer boredom and frustration of Melbourne traffic.
There's a good chance I could now dry up.
Long periods behind the wheel does lend itself to thinking.
There's a good chance I could now dry up.
Long periods behind the wheel does lend itself to thinking.
One of my favourite ships that docks in Melbourne is named 'Trans Future'.
She is a car carrier. A massive wall of concrete.
But - as you can see - it has a point of difference.
But - as you can see - it has a point of difference.
And I hold much admiration for the person with the imagination to transform something so boring into something so interesting and so eye catching.
I affectionately call it 'Dolphin Boat' and it makes me happy just to see it.
I guess I won't see it much anymore.
But the sweetest memories always linger.
But the sweetest memories always linger.
You don't always need a bucket load of money to create interest.
Sometimes you can take something so plain and with a tiny little bit of imagination turn it into somewhere welcoming, something exquisite, something unique.
Somewhere to just be.
Like say hmmm Dry Ginger Ale for example!
Somewhere to just be.
Like say hmmm Dry Ginger Ale for example!
Take a long glass.
The loveliest long glass you can find.
If you have time - chill it.
Add ice - lots of ice - and if you can crush it up then all the better!
Next add a generous slosh of Frangelico and then a little more if so required.
Add some fresh lime - at least a quarter of a lime. A little bruised to assist the oils to escape.
Finally - pour some Dry Ginger Ale and give it a little stir.
Stick a flower in your hair, your real hair - and et voila!
Something lovely.
2014 - Turn up the imagination.
So. 1st February.
Have a happy day.
Make yourself one! Now!
And here's looking at YOU !!!!!
Have a happy day.
Make yourself one! Now!
And here's looking at YOU !!!!!