During the mid year break we had a powerdown at school.
While outwardly I was worrying about the back log of work, inwardly I was doing a little happy dance. Cha Cha Cha. Four days of sleep in. Luxury.
While my mental spark is still there - my physical spark has gone into hybernation.
I don't think the iron tablets are working. I have really felt the cold this Melbourne winter.
After the great 'red nail polish smashed and went every bloody where' incident I decided to walk to the Dry Cleaner to pick up my lovely jumper.
For exercise. I needed exercise.
I didn't figure the words 'an expensive' to precede it though.
But 5 minutes away from home the nail bar was looking forlornly empty. Hell. Why not.
And then next door - gee a new eyelash bar. Hell. Why not.
I could look like Michelle Bridges for $20!
But all I got was threaded not shredded ..
Ooh the Chinese Massage man. My chronically aching shoulder was crying out for attention. Hell. Why not.
And by the time I arrived at the Dry Cleaner to be met with the sad news that my lovely new jumper was irrecoverable - I needed a coffee and a sympathy baguette.
I love exercise. I felt fabulous.
A few weeks ago I won my first ever Big 6. Mega exciting.
To the uninitiated that means you need to pick the winner of six races in a row.
What could be easier?
There was a little study of the form with a couple of emotional girlie choices thrown in.
And slowly as the afternoon progressed - tick,tick,tick,tick,tick. Number 3 tick was particularly satisfying. None of the tipsters went for the winner. But I did. Because life is never predictable. But this boy always makes a comeback when least expected.
The final race of the day was agonising. I couldn't listen to it. But in the end I couldn't help it.
I was in a wine bar and the punters next door in the beer garden were yelling Go Nautical go Nautical.
And of course Nautical was my final emotional bet for the day!
And then cries of excitement.
OMG. I rushed around to hear that Nautical had won.
But then there was a protest!
It was worse than Dunaden and Red Cadeaux.
Until the protest was dismissed and Nautical was declared the winner!
$39000 for the Big 6.
But me being a very small punter only came out with $1931! ONLY !!
Interior decorating here I come!
As a small aside - last year my tip for the Cup was Voleuse de Coeurs.
(Refer: Nov 3 2013 'The thief who stole my heart')
It was a long shot emotional stab that didn't come in. But this year I think it will be up there. I do. You heard it here first. Red Caeaux or Voleuse de Coeurs. Get in now at 51:1.
Apart from low iron I seem to be undergoing another metamorphosis.
I have become incredibly attracted to the colour turquoise.
Turquoise with pink.
A beautiful marriage.
Maybe it reminds me of a beautiful swimsuit lolling around in the ocean.
The color turquoise helps opening lines of communication between the heart and the spoken word. It is a friendly and happy color that is enjoying life. In color psychology, it controls and heals the emotions, creating emotional balance and stability. In this process, it can feel like an emotional rollercoaster that goes up and down, until it balances itself.The color pink
represents caring, compassion and love. The pink color stands for unconditional love and understanding, and is associated with giving and receiving care. Since pink is a combination of red and white, both colors add a little to its characteristics. It gets the lust for action from the red color, and the white color gives it an opportunity to achieve success and insight. The deeper the pink color, the more passion and energy it radiates. Pink is romantic and intimate, feminine, loving, caring and extremely considerate. It tones down the physical passion from the red color and replaces it with a gentle and loving energy. The color pink is insightful and intuitive and it shows tenderness and kindness from its empathetic and sensitive nature. In color psychology, pink is a sign of hope. It is a positive color that inspires warm and comforting feelings. The color pink gives the feeling that everything will go well or be okay.
I thought I was coming to the end of decorating the little Pineapple Shack. But this recent win has fanned the flames once more. I desperately needed a lamp shade for my vintage pineapple lamp. But I was holding off. It had to be just perfect so I decided to wait and let it come to me. I thought that would be the best shot. And it did!
Speaking of shots ..
A Nutri Bullet. I need one of those things. For my iron.
Last Sunday's paper was a health wealth of knowledge. I felt energised just reading it.
But there is no doubt that I need a Bullet. (be nice)
I have a little bullet but it doesn't fit a banana.
And I need to fit a banana in my bullet, along with the spinach and the chia and the apple cider vinegar and the ginger and the berries and a pear. Maybe an apple and some flaxseed. And oats. And ice. Made from Spring Water. And almond milk.
Oops I forgot the turmeric and the coconut oil.
And the kale.
And the kale.
Oil and exfoliation, oil and exfoliation, oil and exfoliation!
My mantra to baby smooth skin. Why didn't someone mention earlier that I should have been eating it all these years?
Speaking of mantras.
The sound of Om Namah Shivaya was a constant energy in my old life.
But those days have gone.
Occasionally the mantra appears in my consciousness - maybe unbeknownst to me when I need it most.
Which brings me to the next page of the weekend paper.
Have you read that 'earthing' is the new thing.
Prancing around on the grass in your bare feet.
Cures just about everything.
On a very cold and windy day the Air Force bought their flight simulator to school.
And after faffing around with the coffee tea or me business I strapped myself in. Which was no mean feat in heels. My jet was called Colt. I thought that was a little bit exciting. A sign! The other one was Sabre. We flew from Brighton to the RAAF Base Tindal in the NT. There was quite abit of rogering that going on and a few affirmative, negative and eject ejects happening.
It was terrifically exciting but I did feel very queasy at one stage. A couple of stages to be honest. I was a little over exuberant about the thrust. And I didn't keep my nose up.I'm not good with turbulence. So I was pretty happy to get back to earth.
Get out your winter feet and try it.
Om Namah Shivaya.
In the past week there has been so much grief in the world, such raw pain and and unthinkable sorrow. The faces of those 3 beautiful little children will be indelibly stamped in my consciousness. I read a statement yesterday that "pain does not make a story". However I disagree. I also disagree that pain makes us stronger.
It doesn't. Not to me anyway.
It doesn't. Not to me anyway.
It just makes our story different.
More interesting than we may have expected it to be.
More interesting than we may have expected it to be.
But within the differences are oft times borne the problems.
Pink and Turquoise - both at different sides of the colour spectrum and yet so lovely together?
And when you don't know what else to say:
Pink and Turquoise - both at different sides of the colour spectrum and yet so lovely together?
And when you don't know what else to say:
Om Namah Shivaya
I love this song of devotion.
'I will follow you into the dark'.