"Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy,
Do you hear what I hear?
Do you hear what I hear?
Ringing through the sky Shepherd boy,
Do you hear what I hear?
Do you hear what I hear?
A song a song, high above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea,
With a voice as big as the sea .."

Gosh - another year draws to a close.
Time to decorate the old house and bring music into the hallway.
First door to the right..that's me!
The sounds of Christmas and all which that ensues is upon us.
'Do you hear what I hear?'
I am hearing the bells.
This year Christmas also heralds the end of 'the long kiss goodbye'.
My boss, the Principal is packing her school bag for one final time. And for one last time she will hear that final bell.
And for one final time I also will hear that bell. Though a different bell. Last year I tied a tiny bell to her Christmas gift and she attached it to her office door.
To be honest, I am quite fond of it.
Because when she opens the door I have at least 30 seconds to re-position myself and quickly hide the form guide!
( I knew No.5 would be a sure thing )
Yes - I will really miss that little bell.
I've put a great deal of thought into Annie's gift this year.
Both a Christmas and retirement sentiment.
I've struggled a little I admit.
Because she has received so many generous and lovely tributes.
But the answer was right there, hovering in the slipstream of my thoughts.
A Bell.
So I have sought out the most beautiful bell, resplendent with compelling dulcet tones.
Forty years ago she began her career as an English Teacher.
So I have had it engraved. Befitting of the occasion.
'I go and it is done, the bell invites me.'
Macbeth (II, i, 62-64)
Maybe the bell will remind her of me occasionally.
I'm not really sure.
I used to play Words and Chess on my iPhone a few hundred wonderful times this year. But I don't play anymore. There are no pretty or clever words to describe how each morning, and sometimes late at night I so dearly miss those little chimes. Maybe Kops and Lev might sum it up for you. I hope so.
A star, a star, dancing in the night with a 'tail' as big as a kite.
This Christmas I am heading up to FNQ for Christmas with my family. That's Far North Queensland for the uninitiated. My entire extended family are heading to Port Douglas for Christmas. In fact they are on their way now.
I hope they are enjoying all of that sugar cane, and cane, and cane, and cane ..
( I'm sure it will look fabulous from the air, champagne in hand, etc etc etc ..)
But mostly I hope they all stay safe.
We have never been away from 'home' en masse at Christmas before. Ever.
This will indeed be interesting.
'Do you know what I know?'
I hope Santa knows where to find us.
We only have one child in our extended family.
The Boy Child.
We were so very lucky that he believed in Santa for an extended range of years.
When he reached an age where the word on the street was that Santa was not truly really truly - he googled it. And there it was - St Nicholas - a Saint - of course he must be real.
Thank you Google. You're 'awesome'. The only other word on the street it seems ..
For many years the boy child's most loving mother went to the most impressive theatrics on Christmas Eve to ensure the stage was set.
Yes. Snowy footprints in QLD - in December!
Nothing was too much trouble for our little boy child.
And every Christmas morning around 5am I would hear 'Susie, Susie, get up', whispered in my ear.
And every Christmas morning I would say 'Hey - did you hear the dogs barking around 1am? I think they must have heard the bells on Santa's Sleigh'.
And every Christmas morning our little boy child would nod vigorously as only the innocent child can - 'Yes, yes - I did hear them!'
'Ringing through the sky Shepherd Boy'
It will be an interesting week at the Mirage.
Interesting for many reasons.
In the 1980's my brother built the Mirage.
In the 1990's I was employed at the Mirage.
I am sure there will be many bells-a-ringing for us both.
And I am also sure we will be awake at 5am.
Sans bells.
One of the cutest things that I consider has come to pass in the last ten years or so, is Santa's Flight Plan which is uploaded by Air Services Australia sometime in the week prior to Christmas.
I love that the media get 'on board' and I love that all Pilots are requested to give 'Sleigh Rider 1' top priority.
Oh - how much would you have loved to have followed this magical little flight path when you were a child. When I was little I used to say Santa's Slee. Because my middle name is Leigh - pronounced Lee not Lay. Slee not Slay. Sleigh - You with me? Oh whatever.
'Way up in the sky little lamb, do you see what I see?'
I hope the big fella knows where to find us this year.
And I certainly hope he has room in 'Sleigh Rider 1' for my racehorse which will be named Flowerbombe and who will always leave a little explosion of loveliness behind it.

And my bestselling App called 'Lips Tips'.
When that takes off every day will be Christmas!
Yes. That's all I want for Christmas.
There's me done.
But just quietly all I really want for Christmas is a half kilo of QLD prawns, a dollop of good quality mayo mixed with a little tabasco and a squirt of lemon.
Oh, and something a little frosty and pink.
That would be quite lovely.
28' and a light southerly would also be quite lovely. And a trifecta.
That would be the loveliest of all.
Faith, Hope and Love.
Not necessarily in that order.
I hope they are enjoying all of that sugar cane, and cane, and cane, and cane ..
( I'm sure it will look fabulous from the air, champagne in hand, etc etc etc ..)
But mostly I hope they all stay safe.
We have never been away from 'home' en masse at Christmas before. Ever.
This will indeed be interesting.
'Do you know what I know?'
I hope Santa knows where to find us.
We only have one child in our extended family.
The Boy Child.
We were so very lucky that he believed in Santa for an extended range of years.
When he reached an age where the word on the street was that Santa was not truly really truly - he googled it. And there it was - St Nicholas - a Saint - of course he must be real.
Thank you Google. You're 'awesome'. The only other word on the street it seems ..
For many years the boy child's most loving mother went to the most impressive theatrics on Christmas Eve to ensure the stage was set.
Yes. Snowy footprints in QLD - in December!
Nothing was too much trouble for our little boy child.
And every Christmas morning around 5am I would hear 'Susie, Susie, get up', whispered in my ear.
And every Christmas morning I would say 'Hey - did you hear the dogs barking around 1am? I think they must have heard the bells on Santa's Sleigh'.
And every Christmas morning our little boy child would nod vigorously as only the innocent child can - 'Yes, yes - I did hear them!'
'Ringing through the sky Shepherd Boy'
It will be an interesting week at the Mirage.
Interesting for many reasons.
In the 1980's my brother built the Mirage.
In the 1990's I was employed at the Mirage.
I am sure there will be many bells-a-ringing for us both.
And I am also sure we will be awake at 5am.
Sans bells.
One of the cutest things that I consider has come to pass in the last ten years or so, is Santa's Flight Plan which is uploaded by Air Services Australia sometime in the week prior to Christmas.
I love that the media get 'on board' and I love that all Pilots are requested to give 'Sleigh Rider 1' top priority.
Oh - how much would you have loved to have followed this magical little flight path when you were a child. When I was little I used to say Santa's Slee. Because my middle name is Leigh - pronounced Lee not Lay. Slee not Slay. Sleigh - You with me? Oh whatever.
'Way up in the sky little lamb, do you see what I see?'
I hope the big fella knows where to find us this year.
And I certainly hope he has room in 'Sleigh Rider 1' for my racehorse which will be named Flowerbombe and who will always leave a little explosion of loveliness behind it.
And my bestselling App called 'Lips Tips'.
When that takes off every day will be Christmas!
Yes. That's all I want for Christmas.
There's me done.
But just quietly all I really want for Christmas is a half kilo of QLD prawns, a dollop of good quality mayo mixed with a little tabasco and a squirt of lemon.
Oh, and something a little frosty and pink.
That would be quite lovely.
28' and a light southerly would also be quite lovely. And a trifecta.
That would be the loveliest of all.
Faith, Hope and Love.
Not necessarily in that order.
Wherever you awake on Christmas morning I hope that your Christmas Day is just as sweet as sweet.
As sweet as those sweetest little chimes.
That proffered great gifts.
As sweet as the sweetest pea.
May all the blessings of Christmas be yours. x
'With a voice as big as the sea.'