

Sunday 19 August 2012

Exclamation !!!!

Could this possibly be one of the worst weeks of my life?
It’s up there.
I am dying.
Of embarrassment. Of mortification. 
Of shock.

I can’t breathe. I am crying and laughing at the same time.

I think I’m a little hysterical.
I think I've become a fifty year old Bridget Jones.
And it’s now 2 days after the event.
And yet still .. spontaneous outbursts of laughter.
At the checkout.  In the café.  In the theatre. Behind the wheel. In bed.

Dear God. I need a bloody good slapping ..
Last Friday afternoon.
Pouring tea for the Chairman of the Board.
Yes. The. Chairman. Of. The. Freaking. Board !!!!
Lovely fellow.
And within a split second, a nanosecond in fact – there it went.
My skirt.  Lying on the ground in a pool around my feet!!!!

Oh. My. Bloody. God.
Sorry God.

I died.
I did.
I truly did.

And for all of you who have laughed for years over my love of lacey stay ups.
Who's laughing now!!!!

Recently someone commented on my robust enthusiasm for the exclamation mark.
Asked me how these exclamation marks manifested themselves in my life.
Well this could well be my greatest exclamation mark E V E R !!!!

I will never be able to look him in the eye again. E V E R !!!!

And has my boss herself stopped laughing long enough to draw breath?
My friend's dog died on the same day.
And even she's still laughing !!!!


Sorry Jesus.

Dying ..


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