

Thursday 9 August 2012

Sushi in Selfridges

The day I sat alone eating Sushi in Selfridges was the day I categorically knew that life had to change.
That I had to change.
Change was in the air.
And NO - I don't mean THAT change!
Although since last we met in Feb 2011 - I
have turned Five 0 !
And did I turn Five 0 in Hawaii Five 0 ?
Yes - I did 0 !
And was it Fab 0 ?
Yes indeed 0 it certainly was 0 !
Like to hear about it?
Well then righty 0 !

The planning took forever!
Well as long as a couple of clicks and a phone call!
I only needed 6 things.

A flight. Check! And in the great big frequent flyer lottery of life - Business Class both ways! Double check!
A bed. Check. Outrigger Waikiki. Always have. Always will.
A bikini. Check Check and Check. Why pack one when you can pack 3!
A sarong. Ditto!
A credit card. Ditto. And in the great big exchange rate lottery of life - BINGO!
A buddy! Hmmmm. A little more female strategy required here i.e tears and begging!

Me to my brother    'Please please please can your wife come with me to Hawaii?'
My brother to me    'But she'll only have been home 2 days'
Me to my brother    'She doesn't need two days to repack'
My brother to me    'But school starts while you're away'
Me to my brother    'That's what our Mother is for'
My brother to me    'I dunno mate'
Me to my brother    'If you want to be responsible for me sniff sniff
                             putting my head in the oven sniff sniff'
My brother to me    'Oh Ok Ok'
Me to Monica          'YES YES YES' hee hee hee hee

It was a smooth smooth flight. So smooth in fact I slept almost the whole way! Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I had just flown long haul back to Melbourne 24 hours prior. Or maybe it was the call of the islands? Or maybe it was the Shiraz?

Or maybe it was just the feeling of peace.

I am often asked why I love Hawaii? Why someone who was raised on the beach feels the continual desire to travel to Hawaii.
And the answer is I really don't know. I just know that I love it there. Alone or with company. Even if only for a very short time.
The mountain springs in Oahu weave their way down to the shores of Waikiki carrying their pristine waters to the ocean. In ye days of ye olde, Hawaiian Royalty came to bathe, to be rejuvenated. If it was good enough for them, it's good enough for me!

Rejuvenating. That's why I love Hawaii.

Monica and I.
We had the most excellent time. We laughed, we cried, we remembered, we slept, we read, we discovered, we danced, we drank, we ate, we   walked, we talked. Oh and we shopped!

But most of all we made the choice to be happy.

Completely and utterly happy.
And hopeful for the future.
And in those ten days I learnt that that it is indeed possible to make that choice.

The mind when used well is a powerful tool.


But above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.

Aloha Nui Loa

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