

Sunday 2 September 2012

Oh - it's what you do to me ..

Today is Father’s Day in Australia.
In Melbourne we have been blessed with an absolutely magnificent spring day. Blue skies shining on me. There was nothing left to do but dust off the banana lounge and get out into it. It’s been a long, cold and wet winter.

I have this routine down pat. I could do this in my sleep.
(That’s if I could ever get any sleep!)
Reef Oil – SPF 30

Check, check, check, check, check, check, check, and check!
At this point may I offer you all a little advice. Last year as my iPhone and I were basking in the sun – my iPhone overbasked! It had a little sun stroke. I had to put it immediately into the freezer to rehydrate! And most importantly I had to remember to GET IT OUT again!
It was all a little alarming, I was a little hysterical actually - but all’s well that ends well !!

Not everything ends well.

Dad and Mum on Mooloolaba Beach
The last time I saw my Dad alive, actually the last time I saw him - he was crying.
Because although I didn’t know it at the time - he did. He didn’t have many days left for this life.
And although I also have vivid memories of the room, the cold concrete walls, the awful metal bed, the off white hospital linen, tubes everywhere and the stench of eau de hospitale .. that unmistakable wreak of ether, the only thing I think of were his tears.

And mine.
They stop.
But they never end.

While I was basking in the sun, I was listening to my music.
I know this is a big call but I will go on record as saying that one of my 3 all time favourite songs is ‘Hey there Delilah’ by Plain White T’s. I love the whole sentiment of the lyrics but most of all I love the chorus. I think these seven words sum up everything about love. Why we love someone or why we don’t. But I prefer to place more emphasis on the do.

‘Oh it’s what you do to me’

I love this song because it tells the story of how love needs know no time and no distance. Our memories of times spent together, a long time or a short time, words spoken, words written, anything really that triggers a memory of someone with us or not, and what that memory does for you.
And not just memories.
Sometimes we don’t really understand our feelings. And I don’t just mean feelings of romance. Just feelings.
I think this absolutely sums it all up.
‘Oh it’s what you do to me’
For many people Father’s Day is not a happy day. But it doesn’t have to be too sad either. While lying out on said banana lounge I thought about how my life would have been had my father not have died so young. It would have been very different this I know. But I also know that while there were many many things my Dad did not have time to teach me, I learnt so much more about life simply given the circumstances. So the teachings are always indirectly still there.
I wish I had a picture of me and my Dad that I could upload. But strangely I don’t. Only in my minds eye. Maybe that’s why he was crying.

‘Oh it’s what you do to me’

I love this song and I play it everyday.
I play it when I’m happy and I play it when I’m sad.
I play it when I’m stressed and I play it when I’m not.
And I play it when I’m basking!
And I hope you will play it too. And that you love it.
And that it evokes memories.

This post is for my brother.
And anyone else whose path is unconventional.
We are all still learning.
Happy Father's Day.

Oh, it's what you do to me.

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