

Friday 1 February 2013

Friday I've got Monday on my mind ..

Today is a special day.
1st February.
For many reasons a special day.

This week we had a guest speaker come to our school. A 'motivational' speaker.
A successful business/sportsman.
The interesting thing however was that he did not try and motivate.
He spoke more about commitment.
For without commitment motivation is nothing.

He spoke about the 'starting on Monday' syndrome.

In Australia, today heralds the commencement of Feb-Fast. A commitment to no alcohol for one month. Before any of you think I am jumping on that particular bandwagon stop right there! Some of us have to be a little bit sensible.

In fact last Friday night I made THE most exciting discovery .. and that is .. Frangelico does not freeze!

1st February 
Exactly 1 week after my birthday. Said good bye to Christmas.
Came to terms with the New Year. Celebrated another birthday and braced myself for twelve of God knows what will be around the next corner.
And here we are.

1st February.
Not a Monday. A Friday! The perfect day for some commitment.
Starting now.

I love cake.
I really do.
Any kind of cake at any time of the day or night.
It is my sweetest downfall.
Well, maybe my third.
I even have a bag heralding my beliefs.
Well today for a little while I have put that bag away.
Well away.
I have made a commitment - no cake for two months. 
There I've said it now.
It's out there.
I think I'm going to faint.

But back to the Frangelico.
I received the most lovely little pipe glasses for my birthday.

With instructions - send a picture when I use them.
To be honest I don't like to drink alone.
Makes me sad.
However, having said that a little Frangelico doesn't make me too sad ..

But how to get the ice cube in the glass? Impossible.
So I put the Frangelico in the pipe glass and put the whole thing in the freezer.
I thought this showed great commitment.
Only to forget about it until the next morning.
My first awful thought .. the glass will have shattered!
But it didn't.
What did happen was the Frangelico hadn't completely frozen.
But it had become a slushee!
And I have to say in the tone of one who feels they have made a quite joyous discovery .. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY SENSATIONAL!
And I am now preparing one every morning.
For the evening ahead.
I am showing commitment!
Just joking.
Sort of.

I toyed with the idea of losing 5 kgs by Easter.
What seems like a very long time ago I was an Easter Bride.
And Easter that year fell mid April.
So in my mind Easter is always mid April.
I thought that seemed like a reasonable enough commitment. 5 kgs by Easter.
Until someone told me Easter fell in late March this year.
What! That is only 8 weeks away ..

My commitment was quickly revised down to 3.5 kg.
Motivation? Me?

I came across this quote.
And I fell in love with it.

Commitment ignites action.

So it's back up to 5kg.
The only problem is .. Oh God .. I don't even know how to say this ..
It's truly embarrassing.
I actually forgot to weigh myself this morning!
I did! I was so focused on my commitment. And my hair ..
What if I gain a kilo today? What if I lose a kilo today?
What if i just shoosh up ..

1st February.
A most special day of the year.

And I hope it is special for YOU too !!!!!!

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